Crabbing has opened up on Puget Sound again and I have attacked with a vengance!!! I have been putting my crab pot out via kayak in about 100 feet deep of water. Chicken parts and salmon are the preferred baits of choice. So far, I have done pretty well. On the opener I had so many crab in the pot I couldn't lift it onto the bow of the kayak! So here are a few pictures of the crabbing operation. I will be posting a couple of crab recipies in the next few days so stay tuned...
Pictured above is right where I put my pot down. I just re-baited this pot with chicken. In the white bucket are the crabs already caught.
Elaine bought a license too...At $32.99 for lump Dungeness crab meat, a $25.00 license is worth it! You can keep up to 5 crabs per day. The larger ones yield about 1 pound of crab meat.
This is right after I came out of the water...Note the crabs to the right of the kayak.
Three Dungeness crabs and one rock crab.
As you can see, crab is my favorite seafood to eat...Dungeness crab that is. Stone crabs? CRAP. Blue crabs? CRAP. King crab? OVERRATED. Snow crab? WE WON'T EVEN GO THERE!
Quincy getting his first taste of Dungeness crab...
Note the crab t-shirt...